Amy Payne Koss

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Help Your Community from Home

I have been feeling somewhat helpless watching the news and reading devastating posts on my social media stream. So I aggregated a list of ways us mom’s can get involved. Together, we can make a difference in our community and come out of this better. Here are six ways you can make a difference from the comfort of your couch.

  • Donate and fundraise

  • Volunteer

  • Shop local

  • Use your voice

  • Participate in the change

  • Call your friends

Donate & Fundraise

If you have the means, please donate to a charity that you love, that you see helping people in need, and that are addressing systemic inequities. While there are many causes that need assistance, some smaller nonprofits haven’t received federal grants to help them during this health crisis. Here are some suggestions:

  • Bell Works ‘Not All Heroes Wear Capes’: My friend Chantelle and her team at Bell Market (pictured above) are making 400-600 meals a day to feed frontline workers in the COVID-19 hotspot New Jersey, funded solely by private donations. Recipients include the COVID-19 testing facility workers at PNC Bank Arts Center and Bayshore Medical Hospital, as well as the Holmdel Police Department, The National Guard, and emergency responders from Holmdel’s Fire Rescue, OEM, and EMS Departments/Teams.

  • Family Meal: A chef-driven initiative to mobilize restaurants as micro-commissaries to create meals for people in need. Your contribution not only feeds people in need but also benefits everyone in the food service supply chain. Restaurants utilize the donation to keep staff on payroll and order supplies from local farmers and purveyors in the "farm to fork" capital of the world. 

  • World Central Kitchen: WCK is working across America to safely distribute individually packaged, fresh meals in communities that need support – for children and families to pick up, as well as delivery to seniors who cannot venture outside. #ChefsForAmerica is now active in dozens of cities providing 250,000 fresh meals every day.

  • No Kid Hungry: Nearly 22 million children rely on the meals they receive at school. No Kid Hungry is working to help these kids get the food they need as schools are closed.  

  • Berkeley Food & Housing Project: For more than 50 years, Berkeley Food & Housing Project (BFHP) has provided a comprehensive range of housing, food, and support services to help those in need move from homelessness into a safe and affordable home of their own. The COVID-19 public health crisis has put the homeless population at even higher risk and BFHP needs your help to continue to support the homeless. 

  • Women’s Empowerment: Women’s Empowerment educates and empowers women, who are homeless, with the skills and confidence necessary to secure a job, create a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children.


Us mom’s may be too busy keeping kids alive and homeschooling to leave our house to volunteer. But there are some volunteer opportunities you can do at home; sew cloth masks, call to check on seniors, or field 211 calls from homeless people. Or perhaps, leaving your kids at home with dad to go volunteer is sounding like a nice outing right about now. 

  • #CaliforniansForAll: By joining #CaliforniansForAll you will be called to safely help your neighbors, communities and all of California. You choose the volunteer opportunity that best aligns with your availability.  

  • Donate Blood: Blood donation is essential amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The need for blood is constant, make an appointment today.

  • Food Banks: Food banks are the frontlines keeping vulnerable Californians connected to food. Food banks are in great need of volunteers, food donations, and funds. They are taking precautions to prioritize volunteer safety.

  • Deliver Meals to Seniors: Meals on Wheels operates in virtually every community in America through their network of more than 5,000 independently-run local programs. Find a program near you. 

  • Shaper Hands: Get matched with someone who needs help with their groceries or supplies since they are too high risk to leave their home.

  • Hands on Sacramento: This is where Sacramento is collating volunteer needs for our amazing local non-profits.

  • Join a local Facebook Group: Much of Sacramento's non-profit volunteer force is over 65 and therefore unable to be of help in this crisis when volunteers are most needed. Seeded by Global Shapers Sacramento, Metro Edge, Point West Rotary Satellite and HYP,  the Sacramento COVID Volunteer Corps posts announcements and volunteer opportunities. 

Support Local Restaurants

In seven weeks, 33.5 million Americans have sought unemployment benefits and the numbers continue to rise. It’s uncertain how many of those unemployed are restaurant workers, but Restaurant Business Online estimates between 5 to 7 million. I worked in restaurants for a decade, almost 10 years ago. So I empathize with this hard hit demographic the most: Most restaurant workers live paycheck to paycheck and don’t know when they will have a job to go back to.

Some family-owned restaurants are starting to close, including Sacramento staple Biba which is closing its doors after 33 years. It is up to us to put our money where it counts. Support local family-owned restaurants by ordering curbside pick-up and buying gift cards. 

Shop Local Small Businesses

Purpose Midtown: PURPOSE is an ethically-conscious lifestyle shop in Midtown Sacramento bringing unique and timeless apparel, accessories and gifts to our beautiful community. A portion of every purchase you make helps bring a better quality of life for those in need, both locally and globally. Most of my wardrobe comes from this store. 

Birdies: Founded by a local Sacramento mom, Birdies offer the style of a designer flat and the luxurious comfort of a slipper. Birdies are perfect for every day and feel like you’re walking on clouds. I may have drank the Kool-Aid, but I’ve been living in these during quarantine and my feet are grateful. 

Petition Your Government 

You have a voice mama, use it. Find petitions that inspire you and address issues that need to be fixed and sign them.  

Independent Restaurant Coalition: This petition asks congress to establish the Independent Restaurant Stabilization Fund of at least $120 billion. Some mom and pop restaurants have had difficulty qualifying for much needed PPP loan assistance in order to survive this pandemic. Ensure restaurants that need it most will receive the necessary capital to reopen and stay open. 

Submit Your Ideas for Change

Provide a Solution: Given the recent coronavirus impacts on local governments across the country and on our population, the City of Sacramento is looking for new solutions and technology upgrades to address the myriad of new challenges this situation is posing.  

If you think your solution can deliver meaningful outcomes and drive government efficiency, please fill out this form to help us understand what your solution can provide. Proposals will be assessed based on the City’s priorities, the potential impact of your solution, and existing needs of our communities.

Call Your Friends

Everyone is being affected by social distancing differently. While some may be outwardly thriving, they may be hurting inside. We all have good days and bad days, and the only way we'll get through this is together. Pick up the phone and call your friends. Make sure they are ok. Drop off a note on their doorstep. A little kindness goes a long way right now. If you or a loved one are experiencing depressed or anxious thoughts, here is a great resource for emotional support and well-being. 

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